Monday, October 12, 2009

learning to be an adult

Most of the adult have the high and future thinking,but to become an adult is not easy and it take long time make our self feel comfortable with our new life.for the teenagers like me,how i can learn to become an adult is to be friend with our senior and always have conservation and interaction with someone who was face an adult time.

The closest people that we can refer is our parents.Of course they had faced adult time,and during adult time also many challenges problem we will face.and I need to make my self ready for that.During this time i need to exposed my self to the surrounding and enjoy as we as collect many experience.

In addition,i need to learn how to solve my problem by own.This is very important,if there is no people that close with me during that time at least i know how to face it with cool and not to make a fool decision.I need to survive my self in any situation

Most important thing is I need to have a good result so that I can easy to get the job when I finish my study.When we an adult we need to work so that we not depends on our parents anymore.

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