Sunday, December 6, 2009

antra perkara yg menakjubkan

salam semalam aku ade buat experiment,aku buat graf yg sebelah ni,tiba2 aku teringat masa aku gi seminar dlu,waktu tu aku tengah study kat matrik,ade sorg prof UKM bg ceramah,ncb bek aku menjadi umat pilihan Allah s.w.t tuk mendengar cramh tu,ade part yg dia tunjuk bhgian ni,aku pun ape ag aku pun buat la experiment ni semalam n ni la hasilnye,kalu korg x caye cube korg buat graf bil ayt dalm setiap surah dalam al quran lawan nama2 surah.aku da buat korg ble lak?n lupe lak kalu korg perasan graf tu boleh bentul ALLAH tp dlm tulisan jawi la.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

menikmati keindahan al Quran,

Al-Quran Juga ada mengajar kita menjaga kesihatan spt membuat amalan :-

1. Mandi Pagi sebelum subuh @ sekurang kurangnya sejam sebelum matahari naik. Air sejuk yang meresap kedalam badan boleh mengurangkan lemak mengumpul. Kita boleh saksikan orang mengamal mandi pagi kebanyakan badan tak gemuk.

2. Rasulullah s.a.w mengamalkan minum segelas air sejuk (bukan air ais) setiap pagi. Mujarabnya InsyaAllah jauh dari penyakit (susah nak kena sakit).

3. Waktu sembahyang subuh disunatkan kita bertafakur (iaitu sujud sekurang kurangnya seminit selepas membaca doa). Ia boleh mengelak dari sakit pening atau migrin. Ini terbukti oleh para saintis yang membuat kajian kenapa dalam sehari perlu kita sujud. Ahli-ahli sains telah menemui beberapa milimeter ruang udara dalam saluran darah di kepala yg tidak dipenuhi darah. Dengan bersujud maka darah akan mengalir ke ruang berkenaan.

4. Dalam kitab juga ada melarang kita makan makanan darat bercampur dengan makanan laut. Nabi pernah menegah kita makan ikan bersama ayam. Di khuatiri akan cepat mendapat penyakit. Ini terbukti oleh saintis yang menjumpai dimana dalam badan ayam mengandungi ion+ manakala dalam ikan mengandungi ion-, jika dalam suapan ayam bercampur dengan ikan maka terjadi tindak balas biokimia yang terhasil yang boleh merosakkan usus kita.

5. Nabi juga mengajar kita makan dengan tangan kanan dan bila habis hendaklah menjilat jari. Begitu juga ahli sains telah menjumpai bahawa enzyme banyak terkandung di celah jari, iaitu 10 kali ganda terdapat dalam air liur. (enzyme sejenis alat percerna makanan, tanpanya makanan tidak hadam) Wassalam...

6. Sabda Nabi Ilmu itu milik tuhan, barang siapa menyebarkan ilmu demi kebaikkan InsyaAllah Allah akan menggandakan 10 kali kepadanya.

Wallahu A'lam
salam,rasanye sudah lame tidak menulis di blog ini,hari ni aku sibuk mengemas brg ntuk bercuti selama sebulan di rumah,yg plg aku x sabr nk blik esok ialah nk rase msakan mak aku,aku rindu sangt.tpkan,hri ni aku nangis sebab aku mengenangkan semua masalah yg aku hadapi sepanjg di usm,bru2 ni aku ad masalh dengan rumate aku,dlm mslah ni aku y salah.entahla,xdpt control dri kot waktu tu;aku bwk la dri ke suatu tempt,tp di sana aku makin dpt ramai kenalan senior ,sampai berhari2 aku tidur kat cne,tempt tu biarla rahsia ek,

perselisihan tu berlaku masa exam,tp kdg2 ganggu gak,da lah soalan exam tu sangatla susah,xkire bm or subjct fizik,yg plg aku ambk risiko ialah sehari sebelum exam elektrik aku pegi perak,jd sukarelawan untuk mangsa bnjir di sana,em memg menyedihkan bile tgk mangsa bnjr,hbs semua perkakas rumah rosak,rumah pun penuh lumpur,aku punye keje ap lg,mengalahkan lelaki,even aku pakai bju kurung hri tu tp still wak keje ganas2

aku pg under kementerian belia dan sukan,aku pegi dengan sorg akak kprs yg ak rase dia amat bek untuk aku,aku rase kami pun ad mint yg same.yg len2 tu sukarelawan dari ikbn and etc.ncb bek jugk aku join,byk pengalaman aku perolehi,tp still sedih jugkla tgk mangsa bnjr,kite selalu lupe dengan Yang Maha Esa,kalu Dia nk trunkan balasan ap2 Dia xkan bg thu,sebab tu Dia suruh kite ingt kat Die selalu..

Monday, October 12, 2009


I love to blogging.After my teacher ask us to make a blog,every week we have our assignment and many topic we need to discuss and give many opinion about the topic,I very enjoy to doing this blog and may be after this i will create my own topic that contain current issues and tell about my feeling.

Besides that, after active this blog I learn a lot of application on using the internet.Thank you to my lovely teacher that encourage us to using this blog.I know I cannot read my friend's blog.This is because I am too busy about the study and involve many programe until I need to decide not to involve anymore to programe until I am at second semester.

Blogging also very good because can comment to others and can change the opinion about the problem.LET'S BLOGGING!!!

learning to be an adult

Most of the adult have the high and future thinking,but to become an adult is not easy and it take long time make our self feel comfortable with our new life.for the teenagers like me,how i can learn to become an adult is to be friend with our senior and always have conservation and interaction with someone who was face an adult time.

The closest people that we can refer is our parents.Of course they had faced adult time,and during adult time also many challenges problem we will face.and I need to make my self ready for that.During this time i need to exposed my self to the surrounding and enjoy as we as collect many experience.

In addition,i need to learn how to solve my problem by own.This is very important,if there is no people that close with me during that time at least i know how to face it with cool and not to make a fool decision.I need to survive my self in any situation

Most important thing is I need to have a good result so that I can easy to get the job when I finish my study.When we an adult we need to work so that we not depends on our parents anymore.

my dream country.

I do not really know what is the most interesting place that I want to go.but for me as a muslim I want go to Makkah first because it very important to visit there as well as perform religious obligation.

For muslims in whole world,Makkah and Madinah have many history place that remember us about our prophet sacrifice to spread islam religious.Besides that, Madinah and Makkah are the place where most of the muslim meet,they come from difference country,no matter what colour are they.

In addition,I hope I can die there because that place is very dignified and become the dreams most of the muslims.During visit Makkah and Madinah also,I can buy souvenir for my friends and my family.Their price also reasonable and cannot get it in Malaysia.Of course all of souvenir that I buy can give a lot of my memory during I having travelled that place. I hope my dreams become true and I want go there with my lovely parents

I love to choose this articles because it inform us about deepavali that will be celebrates by the most of the indian several days more.About this two people they come from difference area in the india,and they have difference way to celebrate deepavali as well as Ramesh's wife also easy to cook the north food.Eventhough, they come from difference place but they are sharing their way to celebrate deepavali and many food they will serve to thier guest.

The most important thing during deepavali they will not serve meat on that day.During deepavali also they they prepare a variety of vegetarian dishes from both cultures with a blend of Chinese dishes such as ghee rice, vegetarian mutton kurma, Chinese stir-fried vegetables, brinjal sambal, egg sambal (for the non-vegetarian guests), ulam, poori, thosai, putumayam and aloo gobi (fried potato and cauliflower), which is a must-have dish for North Indians.

Besides that, they will also serve traditional sweet and snack to the guest.We as other religious in this country need to more explore and understand to the other people believe because we can join and respect to their deepavali celebration most in the future

Happy deepavali to all malaysian

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

hari raya

selamat hari raya aidilfitri to everyone!!!this year my baju raya colour is purple colour,i was back home with other friends from usm.we went home with usm's buses.the are three of them,i went with bus B,which is stop at temerloh and take long time journey to reach terminal makmur.we were approach 12 hours in bus because of the traffic jam pack especially at kuala lumpur.after reach kuantan my brother and i went to shopping for a while.about 10.30 i reach home and at night my mother and i was make satay,which is for me satay is compulsory during hari raya.

before i went home,my mother was make tapai and rendang.during hari raya morning,my mother and i went to solat sunat hari raya,because for me if i not went to solt sunat hari raya i feel that my hari raya day is not complete,during hari raya morning,my mother was cooked nasi minyak,i was force my mother to do that kind of food because i cannot afford it at usm,of i have a delicious nasi minyak,

this year,many relation come to our house and it was more shinny with the new comer which is,my brother's daughter.she was 3 months mother and my sibling tired to serve for the guest.beside that,i went to my friend's home which is located with the same village.eventhough many guest went to my home this year but i cannot travel with my friend because they dont have transport to travel and some of my friend went home.

on the second day,i was receive special guest which is about more than 1 year we did not meet.i went to serve for him but he is fasting for the 6 days,so we just have a chatting

on the third day,my uncle from putrajaya and my aunty from melaka come to my home and ask my mather to have a special bubur lambuk because bubur at pahang is differ from other state.iwas got rm50 for my duit raya,but until now the total of my duit raya is rm70 only,poor to me because i just get a small amount of duit raya.

on 25th of september 2009,my cousin will have married day,i went early morning to her home because i am busy doing the blog,my mother was there for the late of evening on 24th my mother leave me at home.i was scare because that night had a big storm and heavy rain.

the history that i will not forget in this year,every second i feel to eat until my said to stop it.i want to gain my weight because it was loss during fasting months which i only eat for once a day.oh poor my self

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

exposure life experience

In my opinion,life experience is more important besides qualification.i said like that because although we have good result in education but it just the theory.that is not the real thing student have it,most of the student just imagine what the lecturer said and not really know about the real problem if we just imagine we cannot find the problem that we will face in the future.i heard from someone that although the student got 4 flat in their study but when he or she meet the other people they are not really confident to their self.

In my opinion experience have a lot of advantages, because it will makes us become more confident,leadership,soft skills and other.With life experience we can always improve our work so that we can produce perfects work or products.

Besides that,most of the condition when apply job,they need to see for the job least for two experience also important to get the higher lever of post in certain famous company especially for the construction life experience is very important when we ask for the jobs or whatever we need to do

My usm

Before this I was said that I feel very tension in university.May be after many times I said like that,I got a clue how to handle my life here.In university we need to survive lot and no one will guide us.e have to attend the class,and just listen what ever lecturer said and I do not know how I can control my eyes so that it not closing or in other word I can said to avoid sleepy during lecture you have any opinion my friends?For me lecture times is very important and sometimes I feel sick with my eyes just because I force my self not to sleep.

I was join many programs here.There are interaction day for PHYSICS club, KPRS club,PERDAMA club,and now I got a new responsible in program training of facilitator.Severals week ago,first year students in usm need to attend the 'PIMPIN SISWA'.It has a lot of activity I went to Lata Perangin camp in Perak.It was located in the the early morning about 2 am we need wake up and having the climbing mountain.I was very afraid because we need to climb without any light around us.Fortunately, I was meet a new friend which is come from orang asli.He is the one of the usm student so I can anything to him about how to survive in the jungle.This program was give many experience to me and test my mentallity and physically.This program was teach me how to survive in university life because we will a lot of problem and need us to think wisely before make any desicion

Last week also I went to sustainable leadership camp at Kompleks tabung haji bayan lepas,it is about the sustainable because our university is famous with we know in usm campus we need to say no to plastics and we not allowed to use the polysterene.This is good behavior beside it teach us to save our earth from any pollution and we become more discipline in everyday life.

In my family I am the only one who is studying in usm.I want to make my parents proud to have a daughter study in usm.Before this I do not have any informaton about university I just see the university in television.For usm students we need to proud because we were selected to study here because it is difficult to get it.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

turtle life

assalamualaikum.hye everyone.i am new i am studying in one of the famous university that i proud so much.i have a new life here.this my new life is very challenging until i think i become new people in this world.after several months here until now i cannot survive my self.and sometime i feel sad and my face become worst.i am physics student.i dont know whether i like or not but i need to force my self into physics life..what is your opinion about physics?you know its very difficult and always think out of box.

I am the only daughter in my family.since i come here my mother always called me and my brother also always ask me,when i will back home for the holiday.i hope my sun life is here.that is what happen everyday. but i hope i will find my sun soon.that is my success here.